Twice a year, two special U.N. days highlight the importance of women and girls to our world. To recognize International Women’s Day on March 8, International Day of the Girl on October 11.
My understanding nowadays is that there is a lot of deterioration in the environment for girls and women. Here are the easy ways we can make a big difference in the lives of daughters, sisters, and mothers around the world.
Support girls and women in crisis. Millions of girls are subjected to abuse, child labor, trafficking, child marriage, and other offenses. We need to protect girls and women by equipping them with skills, by ensuring they get the best of training, education, counseling, medical care and small business loans to make women and girls as well as boys set up startup businesses in order to end the cycle of gender-based violence.
Mentor a girl close to home. Help every girl and women and make them feel valued. When girls stay in school and finish secondary education a lot of good things happen for them and families. We need to support for the keeping girls in School. These acts can help more adolescent girls around the world to stay in school and receive a high-quality education.
Expending opportunities and amplifying the voices of women and girls because gender equality conveys broad developments with dividends for men, boys and their families. If families are developed then we shall have healthy communities. Progress on the sexual and reproductive health front tends to involve multi sectored actions, access to contraception is critical, alongside raising awareness, life skills training, maintaining peer group training, and clubs with sports activities.
Women’s land Rights- which support women’s agency can be strengthened by progressive legal reforms and improved governance. Land and housing ownership and control and voice and collective action.
Lastly enhance the use of enabling technology in particular information and communications technology to promote the empowerment of women.
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