Balancing Transparency and Confidentiality in terms of International Arbitration: A Case Analysis
This Section of the Page is dedicated to Case Studies, where we bring you analyses and updates on important legal cases, judgments, and observations taking place across the legal industry, as we look forward to creating a knowledge bank for Legal Professionals from all around the world.
A Case Study on Legal Victory of 6 Indian Banks on Recovering an amount of $2.1 Billion
New Balance wins trademark infringement case against counterfeiters
A Case Study: CCI’s approval of the Indira IVF and Spaceway Merger
Case analysis of the Judgement on Arbitral Tribunal for revision of fees
Axiom Ince vs. Modhwadia: Legal Battle and Strategic Delays
A Lesson of Neutrality: About the Supreme Court’s ruling on the Regen Powertech case
A Case Study on The Balancing Act: Government Regulation, Free Speech, and IT Rules 2023
Case Study- DBS Bank’s Legal Victory in the face of merger-related Criminal Proceedings
Supreme Court Reviewing Jalan-Kalrock's Jet Airways Revival Plan
The Battle for Backyard Dominion: Johnson v. Smith's Adverse Possession Showdown
Legal Implications of Brexit on the Rights and Obligations of EU Citizens in the UK and Vice Versa
The Gray Area of Digital Copyright Infringement
Legal Dispute in a Business Partnership (1985-1990)
Enhancing Security Measures through User Awareness
Unbroken Spirits: Defending Childhood in Detention - The Case of Baby Sofia and Aiden in Elmbrook
The Cyber Fraud Incident and Loss of House Deposit
Australia's Detention of Baby Ferouz and Children's Rights Violations
Changing the Way the Police Treat Teens in Custody: A Case Study from the United Kingdom